Recently, I took some photos of B and M sliding, dangling, climbing and swinging on the playground and in the forest. How is a child’s consciousness shaped by playing on man-made swings and slides VERSUS dangling on living trees and sliding down dirt slopes in a forest?
I can’t put my finger on it, but it really does feel very different, doesn’t it? For one, nature is continuously changing. The slopes gets muddy after a rainstorm. The tree branches will bend and give when you climb on it. For me, having that connection to earth, trees and nature expands our consciousness in a way that metal and plastic play structures don’t do. What differences do you see?
Sliding down a slide vs. sliding down a particularly steep slope in the forest
Dangling on monkey bars vs. a dangling on a tree
Climbing on a metal play structure vs. climbing a tree
Swinging at the park vs. bobbing up and down on limber tree branches